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Dr. M'hamed Bilal ABIDINE -Maître de conférences classe 'A'
Personnel Web Site
Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Intelligents et Communicants (LISIC)
M'hamed Bilal ABIDINE received the B.S degree in Exact Sciences, Algiers, Algeria in 2002. Then the M.S, Magister and PhD degrees from the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Sciences, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algiers, Algeria, in 2007, 2010 and 2017, respectively. In 2020, he received the IBM Skills Academy- Artificial Intelligence (Mastery Award) in March 2020, and IT Essentials (Cisco Networking Academy) in July 2020. In December 2, 2021, he received the HDR (Habilitation universitaire) in Electronics. Currently, he is a Research Associate Professor at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Sciences at 'Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Intelligents et Communicants' (LISIC) and Deputy Head of Department in charge of Post-Graduation and Scientific Research, USTHB.
Travaux scientifiques:
Teacher since 2008. Several courses have been taught: Master Systèmes Intelligents de Télécommunications (SIT), Master Télécommunication, Réseau et Multimédia (TRM), Systèmes des Télécommunications (ST), Communication Radio-Mobile (CRM) et Licence Génie des Télécommunications, Réseaux (GTR). Matières : Mathématiques appliquées, Traitement du Signal, Analyse de données, Processus Aléatoires, Télécommunications fondamentales, Probabilités et Statistiques, Réseaux informatique et Protocoles, Communications numériques avancées, Programmation JAVA.
My research focuses is multi-disciplinary expertise combining Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, and novel sensor hardware to make devices and processes smarter.kills: Data science, Machine learning, Deep learning, Activity recognition, Wearable Computing, R&D, Teaching, Research, Programming.
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